Melissa Archer

Actress | Dork | Low-Code Web & App Developer | Writer | Producer | Wanna-be Director | Product Designer | Vanlife-Wanderer

“Knowing a lot about a little and a little about a lot is alright by me.”

MA Designs

When life took me for a ride, I decided to dust off my hikers and take life for a ride. MA Designs is journey inspired art combined with personal reflections.

Writing is my therapy.

It started with a blog, later with a script, much later a book (unpublished atm), and I continue to add as inspiration flows. If you’d like to hear my thoughts over the course of several years, take a gander at my blog.

Web App & Site Development

If it’s low code or no code - I’m all in.

From the most recent all the way to the early days…

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1 Hour Audition Prep, 10 min Reader


1 Hour Basics, Curriculum Style Tutoring


On call tech for small businesses.